Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Life is Good...Take a vacation

Every day my boss asks me, “did you write your blog yet?” and every day I tell him tomorrow, because TODAY, like yesterday, I am obsessed with being a Mother. I love my job at Vacation Travel Mart, and before I became a parent, I didn’t think I would ever like anything as much as I liked working. For me, to be able to send someone on a Caribbean vacation is really fulfilling. I love that my clients are now my friends. I love the people I work with. I can honestly say I do not work for the money, but for the satisfaction I get by giving someone a “deal”. Would I work for free? Probably not.
Anyhow, so work was my life…then I won the lottery (figuratively speaking) and now have 2 children. I have a 2 month old baby girl, Kasey Caryl and a 2 year old toddler, Blake Fox. I have it all, even the white picket fence! Every day is so fulfilling and gratifying that I cannot seem to wipe the smile off my face. Don’t get me wrong, every day is not a picnic. I haven’t slept more than 5 hours in a row in over 3 months, one of my best friend’s has lung cancer, the economy still sucks and is affecting all of us, I haven’t worked out in 3 months, and the swine flu came and left us all a little scared to travel.
So I am writing with a purpose, and believe me, if I didn’t have anything good to say, I wouldn’t waste my time or your time. Take a vacation. I just took one and am ready for another one. Right now the airlines and resorts are trying to re-coup the money they lost last year when fuel prices were so high and before people cancelled their vacations in fear of catching a flu that actually started in the US and has nothing to do with poor Mexico.

My boss, Jacques, in addition to bothering me, also decided to drop our already small profit margin in order to increase sales. So, go to Mexico, or Jamaica, or even Aruba and the Bahamas. There are deals everywhere. I am telling you, I have been doing this for 18 years and I never saw an all-inclusive hotel in Cancun for $35 a night (at least not one without roaches). The Oasis Viva and Palm Beach are offering deals that cheap, and while they are not 5 star hotels, they are not dumps either. The Catelonia resorts are 5 star (on a scale of 6) and have rates as low as $50 per person, per night. There is no flu in Mexico, I promise you. It is safe and cleaner than before.

Jamaica is another place that just added about a billion new hotel rooms and is offering some exceptional vacation deals. It is not as cheap as Mexico or the Dominican Republic, but if you want to try someplace new try Jamaica. They just added zip line tours, and even a Jamaican bobsled ride.

I would write more but I would rather stare at my beautiful children. Call us, or visit our website. I know times are tough, but if you have a job you love, or a partner that makes you happy most of the time, or are blessed with the honor of being a parent (even if your kids act rotten sometimes), take a minute to smile. Better yet, take a vacation!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New exciting destinations

Sorry it has been so long since I have written, but believe me it will be worth your wait.In case you have not noticed, we have revamped our web site! We have lowered prices and added destinations. As you know, we really specialized in Mexico and the Caribbean. My boss has a great philosophy: "if you can't do it right, don't do it at all". Our customers are used to bargains and great service. Before this recession, there was no such thing as a great bargain to Hawaii, or a family trip to Disney, or even a European Vacation. Now, my friends, we do it all!This is what we did: we didn't create the wheel, but we spent 5 months researching the best wholesale companies for each of our new destinations so you have the lowest priced vacations to everywhere without having to search 20 web sites. We did all the work for you. If you find something that we offer cheaper, we will match the price and give you $50 off your next vacation. If we are going to launch this program, we might as well do it right. I have been selling the Caribbean for over 18 years, and it is my first love. The prices are excellent, the sun is shining, and who doesn't like the Caribbean? Who doesn't like getting a deal?With this economy, if it is not on sale, I am not buying it. It is too hard to make money these days to spend it recklessly. Our web site is literally ON SALE- some places are even on the "clearance aisle" with specials up to 70% off. Now is the time to book your Summer vacation.Taking your family to Europe or Hawaii used to be for the super rich (or super in debt), but the sluggish economy have forced these normally expensive destinations to lower their prices or close their doors. The car companies could have taken a few lessons from the travel industry. Supply and demand. The airlines and resorts throughout the world are finally realizing that if they want to stay in business, they better make it affordable.So, that is very exciting stuff. We are thrilled to be able to offer you so much more at the same low prices you expect and deserve. You cant go to Europe for the same price as Cancun, but if you have always dreamed of an Italian holiday, now is the time.The other new and exciting thing is my husband and I were granted custody of Blake- our son from Russia. We go back in 10 days when his paperwork is completed to bring him home. Life is wonderful. Thank you everyone for your prayers and positive wishes. I owe you one- and I will be here for you for your next vacation travel mart vacation.Love, Beth

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our Own Stimulus Package

We know times are tough right now .

If you have never booked with us or have never sent us a friend, it is still a perfect time to book with us. Read the testimonials from our clients and you will see that they all rave about our low prices compare to our competition. Considering the state of the economy we just contacted all of our suppliers and pleaded with them to lower their prices. Some resorts did it automatically. They know the state of the economy here and overseas, so if they want their rooms to be full, they have to work with us. If they don’t give us good rates, we are taking them off our program. In addition, my boss just lowered all of our mark-ups and told us to match anyone who had a lower rate.

Refer your friends to us and you can travel for less or even free.

Tons of our clients refer their friends, co-workers, and relatives to us, and we really appreciate it. Then they call us the next time they are ready to book their vacation and they say, “By the way, my cousin Ana said she booked 4 people with you. Is there anything you can do for me?”
Yes for every client you send us we will give you $25 Off your next package.
Most client have never asked for anything in return except that we take good care of them and the people they recommend. This is rare. I truly think that they are just nice people, and I have never met them, but I consider them my friends.

A couple of days ago a very nice client called (also a referral) and said he only wanted a 5 star resort, first class air, and wanted to spend less than $6,000. I gave him some excellent prices, but he wanted to go for 10 nights and the best deal I would find him came out to $7,400. He really was doing an excellent job negotiating the prices, even bringing up today’s economy and unemployment and how tough things are (all valid points). I agreed with everything he said, and then he said, “Beth, I am ready to give you $6,000 right now if you can make this trip happen”. Sure I can make it happen. You’ll now be sitting in row 12 instead of row 2, and you’ll be staying 7 nights instead of 10, but I can make it happen. He didn’t like my idea, but I didn’t like his idea either.

So this is the deal. Send us a client, even an annoying client, and if they book and pay for any of our vacation packages, you get $25 off your next trip. They have to tell us they heard about us from you, and if they do, we will email you a $25 voucher. You can collect as many $25 vouchers as you have friends, so get to work.

The bottom line is: take a vacation now prices have never been so low in the middle of the winter. If you can’t go yourself right now, send us someone else and start collecting your vouchers. It is our own little “stimulus” package.

On a personal note, I think things are going to work out for my family after all, but I don’t want to jinx it, so look for some exciting news in the next few days.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy new Year

Happy New Year! I, for one, am glad to be rid of 2008. It was a tough year, and I am sure I am not alone in hoping that 2009 is a better year for all of us.

So far, I have not broken any of my New Year’s resolutions, which is incredible, though I sort of cheated and made realistic resolutions this year. I remember last year I was crazy enough to promise to be nice to my husband. That same night at 1:00am he was snoring so loud I put a pillow over his head and almost suffocated him. This year I resolved to “try to be more understanding and patient”. Since I was on vacation until today, it has been pretty easy.
Now, let’s see how I do today when I answer all of the emails from clients asking for $500 holidays during Easter and President’s Week.

I am not going out on a limb by saying that prices for vacations are going to be cheaper in 2009 then they were in 2008. I mean, fuel is half as expensive. However, since the airlines have cut almost 30% of their flights to the Caribbean and Mexico, it is still hard to get great deals during the holiday weeks unless you are flexible with your dates. The hotels still have the same number of rooms, so the prices are really great at most Caribbean and Mexican resorts.

I just got back from my “family vacation” which everyone knows is an oxymoron. When you are traveling with 40 family members, it should not be called a vacation. Needless to say, I need a vacation. Mom and Dad, if you are reading this, you know I love you, but I think you would have to agree with me on this one.

I think that everyone should try to take a vacation in 2009. Now, if you are not working, we may want to refer to it as something other than a vacation, but go ahead and treat yourself to a little fun. Times are tough and I always recommend paying your rent or mortgage before taking a trip, but assuming you are not planning your trip with your kid’s college funds, do not feel guilty about a little relaxation.

Go someplace where your cell phone doesn’t work and there is no internet access in your room. Learn to scuba dive or practice your lessons from High School Spanish. Try surfing or eating an exotic food that “tastes like chicken”. Last year I honestly felt bad about doing my job. Prices were so high and the future looked so uncertain. Don’t tell my boss, but I had to talk a few people out of traveling. One poor guy asked me if I could put $50 on 6 different credit cards. I could have, but I said no. Another woman told me that she wasn’t working, but she needed to “rest” before going out there and finding work. I told her to rest on the weekends, and treat herself to a massage or a matinee rather than take her severance money to Jamaica and blow it all in a 5 day span. That was last year. This year I feel completely different. This year I give you my “blessing” to take some time and money for yourself. Ask for a deal though, because you deserve one.

I want to travel too, but before I take advantage of one of our excellent deals, I have got to get my son out of Russia. It seems that the judge was not confident that the biological Mother relinquished her rights (she deserted him at the hospital and gave a fake address) to our son, so we have to wait 6 months. Keep your prayers and thoughts coming, without them we could not gotten through this tough time. So, here’s to 2009, to your health, happiness, and great vacations.